Wednesday 16 September 2009

Caption Competition #10

Can you think of a funny, witty caption for this following screenshot from 'Planet of the Dead'?

This week's competition closes in a week and 2 days, on Sunday 20th September, at midnight. Following this, the winning entry will be revealed and a new Caption Competition picture will be posted for the following week. So, please have your entries in by that date and time or it will not be counted.
The winner will gain a point on the DWF Competitions leaderboard.

Winner: Auton

4 entries - Post an Entry...:

DoctorWhoGeek said...

D.I: Ever since that encounet with the space pig, I've been s-s-s-sneezing, ACHOO
SOLDIER: I reccomend the Tami Flu Jab

Auton said...

Christina!!Pull my Finger!!!

Patar said...

UNIT Solider: You will not be taken into questioning.. How was your weekend?
McMillan: Oh, my weekend was fabulous! Thank you for asking!


if i do this with my lips...i look like angelina jolie... it really works!

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